
Friday, February 14, 2014

*#%* my FOUR year old says...

This morning, Andrew completely blew me away with his thoughtfulness... Could it be that we are finally moving towards thinking of others before ourselves???

Here's the story...

As Andrew stumbled into the kitchen this morning, I grabbed a handful of chocolate kisses and hid them behind my back. After an all too quick morning hug, I held out the chocolates and said "Happy Valentine's Day Andrew!!" His smile was wide for a moment, but he quickly turned and ran away, returning seconds later with his most prized possession, The Gotham City Jail,  he thrust it towards me and yelled "Happy Valentines Day Mommy!!" My heart melted a bit, bursting with pride for my loving little guy.... when he quickly snapped me back to reality. "Ummm, sorry Mommy, you can use it for the day, but you can't keep it forever. Maybe we should go to Target so you can buy me a new toy too!?"

Baby steps...

1 comment:

  1. Love the stories about Andrew and getting Gotham City Jail even for a day is a loving gift from a 4 year old - what a good boy he is!
