Thursday, October 10, 2013

A fall colour hunt... {learning at home}

Even though the temperature here in Baltimore has just started to dip, the vibrant colours of fall have managed to creep through and take over our surroundings. Our walks have been full of new discoveries as the trees prepare for winter, dropping leaves and all sorts of interesting treasures in our path.

By coincidence, Andrew has recently started to notice the subtle differences between the shades of colours. He is no longer satisfied with the simple labels of Blue, Red or Orange and is looking for more descriptive ways to name the colours in his world. I decided to take this new learning interest as far as I could by focusing on all of the wonderful colours of fall. I had recently picked up a pack of cardstock with a variety of earth tones that was perfect for the activity I had in mind...

We simply cut out small circles, using six different colours, labeled each one and placed them in 
the bottom of a muffin tin.

We hit the trails and collected anything that caught our attention. As we sorted the items into our muffin tin we discussed the colours that we saw. We compared the items to each other and talked about which colours were the easiest to find and which were more difficult (the botanist in me is resisting the urge to conduct repeats of the sampling to make temp. vs. colour correlations!)

This was a great little learning activity! It was super simple and served as a springboard for some great learning opportunities! We focused on new colour vocabulary and the changing seasons, but counting and the life cycle of a plants would have been great too!

How have you been enjoying the beauty of fall with your family?

Looking for more fun ways to add some learning opportunities to everyday life? Check out my Pinterest board "Learning at Home". I have developed quite the collection!